Saturday, March 20, 2010

From the Inside Out - Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr

Twist!  Two updates in one day!  I can hardly believe it myself.

This is the latest Idiots'Book in the series...from wonderful people and husband and wife team Matthew Swanson and  Robbi Behr.  Shameless plug: go to their site,, read their blog, subscribe to their books, and love them.  Just as I have.  Do it now.

So this latest book, volume 25.  It's hard to summarize any of the books because they are such a unique blend of the word and the art and you really need both.  And they're not straightforward stories either.  If I were to try to summarize, I'd say that it's from the narrator's point of view as he joins something similar to AA, but for people who don't believe in a higher power.  Two quotes that I particularly liked:

There among the clutter and congestion was a message that intrigued me: Unable to appeal to a higher power, we will immerse ourselves in craft and work together to discover new ways of sating our thirsts.  We will aim to rebuild from the inside out.
The cumulative effect of so much pain is to create a space where it feels normal to ache.

Yeah.  This is good stuff, people.

1 comment:

  1. That Matthew, who knows where he comes up with his thoughts...put that together with his way of weaving words together and you got some, to quote a cool dude I know, good stuff. I'm glad you are past that mumbo-French book, it's great to hear about some good books and see you "updating your blog". Ya know, pictures would be fun.
