Sunday, May 23, 2010

Briefly Told Lives - C. Bard Cole

What a perfect book for today.  Yup, that's right, I started and finished this book today.  My friend Jeffrey gave me this book, along with a bunch of others.  It's actually a collection of short stories rather than a novel.  The weather today: kinda cool, a breeze, mostly cloudy although some periods of sun, and the occasional light drizzle.  The perfect day to brew a pot of coffee, curl up, put on some good jazz and just bliss out and read.  As it turned out, this was the next book in the pile.

A collection of stories: not my usual thing, but it was good.  All about a character - usually the main one, but not always - who is gay.  Different ages, perspectives, time periods.  And occasionally I'd realize that a peripheral character in one story was also in a different story, which was kind of cool.  But then other stories had no connections whatsoever.

He has an interesting writing style - some of the stories were told almost like a news report or something, with one story where the narrator provided the exact date and time that he saw this other guy.  It was different but I liked it.

I didn't sit and read the book non-stop; I took a few breaks, watched some tv, went for a walk, that kind of thing.  I had Melody Gardot on in the background for a lot of it (, go check her out, she's great) and they went well together.

A perfect read for a peaceful day for me.  Also, a great follow-up to that boring French book.  Like a breath of fresh air, while a nice cool breeze was coming in.  Aaahh.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what you did yesterday, God bless blogs.

    I recently read a series of short stories by some well-known author of whom I can remember at this point for the neighborhood book club. I didn't find a thread of anything that connected, but the english lit major now older woman with a kindle found the thread throughout it all...amazing and cool but I didn't reread it (her recommendation) to see it all for myself cause, well, I got some Sookie to read. What a glorious day for you yesterday...bless!
