How timely - writings on money as I struggle with my budget and figuring out what I really need to be spending it on. So, you may ask, how much did I spend on this book? Zero. Nothing. That's right! And that's always the best part. It's from Concord Free Press - a new experiment in publishing. Check it out at Such a cool concept! You get a book for free, donate to your chosen cause and let them know so that they can track it. Then pass the book on to someone who will do the same. So - I better give this a good review so that everyone will want it.
This is, essentially, a collection of short stories, essays, some interviews, excerpts from books and poetry, all somehow relating to money. As with any collection of works by different authors, some struck me more than others. I didn't love every bit, but overall I really did enjoy this. I'm going to include a few lines from a poem, although I'm hesitant to take lines out of a poem for fear that they will lose their meaning. But here goes. These lines are from a poem called "America" by Tony Hoagland.
But how could he have imagined 100 channels of 24-hour cable
Or what kind of nightmare it might be
When each day you watch rivers of bright merchandise run past you
And you are floating in your pleasure boat upon this river
What an image. Rivers of bright merchandise. And don't we see that, any time we turn on the tv or walk down the aisles of our favorite store? Or turn the pages in a magazine? Or see the ads on our favorite websites? It's all over. And I'm as guilty as the next of sitting proudly in my boat.
It just really struck me.
So - you can't beat the price. And I'll donate, where I don't know yet, and will let them know about that. And maybe, just maybe, hopefully, I'll buy less than what I would normally buy.
How refreshing and so I think about making my own clorox wipes from an old t-shirt (so I can wash and reuse them)(shady neglect, should do that now). Want to look over my Target list to see if I truly need the things on it...toilet paper is the first thing to come to mind...I mean I've gotten used to washing poopy underpants but not sure if I want to go as far as reusing rags for toilet paper...I'll keep you posted.
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Don -- Thanks for writing about IOU. There are 3500 copies now circulating & generating donations. It may still be possible to obtain a copy from CFP via its website, I'm not sure. And remember, you now must pass your copy to someone else. Drop by the CFP website and let us know about the donation you made. You can do so anonymously. Kind regards from --> Ron