Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Haunted Vagina - Carlton Mellick III

Yes, that's right, The Haunted Vagina.  Believe it or not, suggested this book to me!  I don't know why - it's not like I've ever really searched for books about vaginas.  But given recent comedic discussions I've had with some friends about how scary vaginas are, I thought I had to get it.

Essentially, the plot is that Steve's girlfriend, Stacy, has a haunted vagina.  So he goes inside to explore.  And the story is what happens after that.

I have to say - it was pretty interesting!  A short book, only about 100 pages.  A quick read.  Definitely comedic in parts, and completely bizarre in other parts.  The idea of having a whole other world in a vagina is, well, creepy.

No particular quotes or themes that resonated with me, and I don't know that I'll rush out to read any of his other books, but it was interesting and clever.  Apparently Carlton Mellick III is one of the leading authors of a new genre called "bizarro fiction."  I don't know that I'm familiar with this genre, but I can see that there's a place for it.

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