Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Awakening Your Psychic Powers - Henry Reed, Ph.D.

A very interesting book!  It wasn't exactly the book that I was expecting, but I liked it.  It's not just a "here's how to be psychic in 10 easy steps," but talks a lot about the life, experiences and teaching of Edgar Cayce.

A part that particularly intrigued me is the relationship with the spiritual, which was apparently very important to Edgar Cayce.  It's said in the book that he thought of the big Bang theory as God exploding out into all sorts of little "atoms," which were unique souls.  Unique, but all still connected and part of God, and each one containing the essence of God and unity and holiness.  But then these souls ended up creating physicality and here we are - still with our souls at the core, but the souls now having forgotten where they came from and that we are, still, parts of God with all of god in each of us.  So we go through life (and lives, perhaps) trying to re-learn this.  It is very similar to another book I read - not about psychic abilities at all, but about spirituality.  And I think that that's why it's so interesting to me, to see how closely they parallel.

The book talks a lot about different techniques to use: meditation, a dream journal, learning to rely on intuition, using a pendulum...and many more.  It's really an interesting read and looks at everything with a much more holistic view.


  1. Ok - read my mind.

    (did you guess ice cream? because if you did, that book really works!)

    Happy holidays -

  2. This went way over my head...no comment...except hat I need more chocolate and hot coffee, of that I am sure.
