Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Bodacious Book of Succulence - Sark

Gosh, I don't even know how long I've had this book. I bought 4 of her books or so, without first reading any. Oh, those were the crazy days...

This is a fun, creative, interactive book about realizing how wonderful and amazing we all are in our imperfections. And how richer we would all be if we stopped trying to hide our succulence underneath our facades. It's a pretty fun book...and yet it touched on some pretty serious topics.

I was particularly touched by and able to relate to the part about death, and how you get thrown into the "death club" whether you like it or not when you lose someone close to you. Yup...that's true.

Anyway - a fun book that'll make you think. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. What? Two non-fiction-self-books in a row? You okay? Progress not perfection is something I need to work on...sounds like a good book.
